One of my experimental pics. Was putting a dash of blue with the green when I enhanced the blue more than I had planned to and looked like a scene from another planet. So I let it be !
It had been raining all night and that morning was especially fresh. This bitter-gourd plant had totally covered this old ladder in our backyard and the whole thing looked straight out of a greeting card...
I don't think I need to tell you where this one's from. It was late afternoon and the colour of the monument totally blew my mind. Absolutely no editing here...
Beautiful and serene Jodhpur...This is from one of my numerous walks around the Air Force Area where I lived. Caught the sunrays at around 5:45 a.m. Looks surreal !
Took this one when I was in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. It happened to be the Muslim festival of Milad-un-Nabi and there were rallies on the streets everywhere...Got the true Hyderabadi experience !
This li'l guy had wandered into our garden one evening and played about for quite a long time. Took a few shots which weren't that good as he was constantly moving. But fnally (after about 5 shots), I got this perfect face shot !
I was in Nasik, Maharashtra for my SIOM GD/PI and had some time in hand so I was checking out the city when I came across this old villa near the bus-station. It seemed totally cut-off from the world even though it stood right on the main street with the noisy traffic and the milling crowd...the gate itself gives you an idea.
Ah ! My favourite...Its nothing much. Just a leafless Amla tree during autumn. The original looked kinda drab (lots of blank areas), so I did a bit of colour-inversion and voila !
This one's from our backyard as the title says. The wood-plank had been lying there for months and after exposure to almost all the elements of weather it had started to rot which gave it a very old world look. It looked interesting...
Took this one on a lonely beach at a place called "Jahaniya", some 70 kms from Bhubaneshwar, Orissa. It was 2 in the afternoon and there wasn't a soul ! The crashing waves, the cries of sea-gulls, the breeze...I had it all for myself.